
Tuesday 22 October 2019

Current Events: Summarising The Main Ideas

This week for Current Events, our challenge was to search the internet, and find an article that we found interesting. With this information we then found keywords, 20 important words, 6 of those words that are most important, and then make a 5 sentence summary about the text. Once we had written our summaries the final challenge was to turn those 5 sentences into 5 10 syllables sentences. I worked with Alex, Joseph, and Karlos for this activity. This was an interesting challenge, and I enjoyed learning about this new found organism. If you would like to read the article I have linked it below.

Link To Article Here:

Keywords from the title
Keywords from 
Sub- Headings
New words I need to look up
Blob, Organism and Solve.
There are no sub-headings.
We didn’t find any words we didn’t know.

Write down 20 important words from the text 
Blob, Organism, Solve, Yellowish, Scientists, Paris, Zoological, Park, Animal, Fungus, Memory, Maze, Form, Searched, Regenerate, Slime, Merge, Behaviour, Consumes and Researchers.
Chose the 6 most important words.
Blob, Researchers, Memory, Regenerate, Animal and Fungus.
Use your words to write a 5 sentence summary.
Researchers in Paris have discovered a blob. They aren’t sure if it’s an animal or a fungus. They don’t even know if it’s in between. It has a memory and can regenerate from being cut in half in two minutes. The Blob has such an interesting behaviour.

Now using the words you wrote down summarise the text in 5 sentences. Once you have done this turn each of your sentences into sentences with exactly 10 syllables.

People in Paris discovered a blob. - 10 syllables
Is the blob an animal or fungus. - 10 syllables
They don’t even know if it’s in between. - 10 syllables
With memory it can regenerate. - 10 syllables
The Blob has got such a weird behaviour. - 10 syllables

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