
Friday, 23 February 2018

Kiwi Can

At Kiwi Can we warmed up with an energiser. The engiser was called get in the hoop.  We had to be in a circle like the shape of a hoop.  Then we got into 4 groups by Mr Matt putting us into 4 groups by counting 1, 2, 3, 4.  After Mr Matt had to call a number, if the number that Mr Matt said was yours  you had to walk or speed walk around the circle until you got back at your spot . Then you had to run through your spot and jump into a hoop. The last person standing in the circle was the winner.  After our game we talked about fairness and fairplay and the importance of having Rules.
The reason why we have rules at Panmure Bridge School is so students can self manage them self. If there was no rules in public, there would be people killing each other, stealing and other crimes.

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